The Oil and Gas Procurement Specialist
At HARCY, we are bridging the biggest procurement and delivery gaps in the oil and gas industry. A leading procurement and supply chain management company, with a strong presence in Nigeria.
What We Do
Supply Chain Management
HARCY ENERGY SERVICES LIMITED is a leading procurement and supply chain management company in the oil & gas industry, with a strong presence in Nigeria. We have evolved into a group of passionate, driven professionals who possess high-level sourcing and supply chain knowledge.
Diverse Range of Equipment
At HARCY, we source and supply a diverse range of high-quality equipment and materials for oil & gas exploration and production projects. Our expertise cuts across procurement, planning, quality assurance, expediting, field & 3rd-party inspection, cost-control, planning, scheduling and offshore/onshore drilling
Need-Specific Services
Procurement is an essential service for oil & gas operators in today’s marketplace. And we know our clients expect the highest level of service. That’s why we are committed to adopting best practices and innovative business strategies to deliver unparalleled, need-specific procurement services without compromising quality.
With oil & gas organizations operating in very complex times, we understand that Procurement is under pressure to contribute dynamically and meaningfully to bottom-line operating costs while reducing capital expenditure.
That’s why HARCY is here to help our clients rethink procurement and ensure that they get the much-needed cost-effectiveness and efficiency they desire.
We have built strong relationships with reliable manufacturers who have a proven history of supplying only industry-grade deliverables at competitive pricing. Our supply partners abide by the strictest codes and regulations.
Our Focus Supply Areas
Casing and tubing
Drilling fluids and chemicals
Rig equipment lease
Solids control
Mud lab services
Safety equipment
General procurement
Logistics support
Our Mission
Create an ecosystem of contented, satisfied clients
We are here to provide high-quality products that consistently meet client-specific and industry standards.
Our Team
At Harcy, we boast a team of passionate professionals with extensive combined experience in procurement analysis, negotiation, and evaluation for the oil & gas sector.

Our experts bring a comprehensive repertoire of experience gained over many years of competency, development and industry positioning.

Our Management Team is committed to using its in-depth purchasing & supply chain knowledge to help you reach your central goal.
Our Vision
Standout and Set the Pace
HARCY is driven towards becoming the #1 product and equipment supplier of choice for every operator in the indigenous oil & gas industry.
Why Choose Harcy?
Our culture is defined by the values we reflect throughout our operations
Quality Assurance
Harcy never compromises quality. All our equipment and services are compliant with the highest industry standards
We’ve created a customer-centric culture built on clear and transparent communication in order to understand procurement needs and solve problems one client at a time.
Harcy is always exploring newer methods to serve clients better. We are looking to make a profound impact and lasting difference through continuous industry research and implementation
Respect for Environment
We recognize the need to protect our biodiversity, improve the quality of air, preserve water quality, and promote the efficient use of resources
Harcy never compromises quality. All our equipment and services are compliant with the highest industry standards
We track every schedule and meet every project deadline with pinpoint accuracy from start to finish.
We want to keep refining our services to meet client needs. So we love great feedback and encourage a knowledge-sharing culture.
We always want to better our past results. Our commitment to creating results and satisfying our clients by meeting their specifications and improving their profitability is unparalleled.
Harcy is committed to maintaining excellence in workplace safety, and making the oil & gas industry hazard-free